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DSCN0779[1]Revenge is evil

A corrupt government

Needs a scapegoat

Blame leads to fear

Fear leads to persecution

Persecution leads to silence

Silence leads to denial

Denial assures, it will happen again

First they came for the Christians

Then they came for the Jews

Now a Christian holocaust

Is happening again

Speak out

One person


Change the World

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Gods Will

In strength

There is unity

In unity

There is peace

Seek forgiveness

To remove the hatred

In your heart

Seek Gods Word

For he alone is your

Truth and Salvation

For once I was blind

And now I can see

Once I was silent

Now I speak

Once I was complacent

Now I walk in Unity

Though hatred

Surrounds us

God will be my strength

And my shield

For Love will overcome

The enemies

Of mankind

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Celebrate diversity

Through discussion

The truth prevails

Political Correctness


The chains that bind

Will sink us below

To the depths of despair

How foolish are those

Who let others define

Your right of conscious

And freedom of speech



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Jihad, Fascism or National Socialist

Jihad, Fascism or National Socialst

Crimes of Humanity

Control through Submission

Submit to our will or die

Invading Countries

Seizing Resources

Demanding Ransoms

Murdering Muslims, Christians and Jews

Forcing its Citizens to their ideology

A fight for Power

Not Liberty or Justice

Is this Man’s fight

In the name of God

Pure Evil


Stop the poison

Where it exists in the World

Or there will be no Peace on Earth

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Gone Fishing

Gone Fishing


Find a little slice of heaven

On earth

Dream you were fishing



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Hopes Unsung

A story to be told A note yet played A song to sing A line yet written No verse begun

A song to sing

A note to be played

A line yet written

A story to be told

No verse begun





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