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Art Studio Creations

Life’s Not Fair, Get Over It

Posted by on Jun 27, 2017 in Art Studio Creations | Comments Off on Life’s Not Fair, Get Over It

Life’s Not Fair, Get Over It


A Leader can Orchestrate

A Teacher Inspires

A Healer can Repair

An Inventor sees Potential

One person’s failures

Are another person’s solution

A Follower finds Harmony

A Manager, the Problem Solvers

A Detective, Seeker of Knowledge

A Mechanic find’s solutions

An Engineer designs

A Scientist Explores

The Soldier, a Heart of Service

An Artist a Visionary

A Farmer and Rancher Good

Stewards of Resources

A Judge rules on Laws and Rights

A Lawyer seeks Justice 

Self-Governance holds Officials,

Accountable for Policies

A Universal Truth of Mankind,

Charity, Compassion, Love

And Forgiveness 

A Responsibility of each person

Individuality ,Ownership,

Free Market 

Rights and Responsibilities 

The Creator of Nature

And Natures God

In Him All Things are Possible

A Ruler

Thinks he Controls it All













Who Decides?

Posted by on Jun 5, 2017 in Art Studio Creations | Comments Off on Who Decides?

Who Decides?

Constitutional Solution

To Prevent


And Anarchy

The Great Society

Robbed Free People

Of Hopes and Dreams

Under the Guise of Compassion

Replaced with Social Justice

What Federal program solved

Poverty, education, racism

The National Debt?

Federal government


Power Of, By and For

Career Politicians,

Lifetime Judges,

Lobbyist and the 

Unelected Bureaucracy

Who Decides?


Government closet to

“We the People”

Article 5,

Limit the scope,

Power and Jurisdiction

Of the Federal government









How Governments Go Dark

Posted by on May 8, 2017 in Art Studio Creations | Comments Off on How Governments Go Dark

How Governments Go Dark


Binary Choice
To save the Free market economy
We violate Free Market principles
To Protect ourselves from Foreign intrusion
We allow government intrusion of private property
To protect our religious freedom
We allow government to silence religious beliefs
Divisiveness creates walls
Loss of acknowledging the individual
Silencing the Truth
Loss of Humanity
Leads to greater pain
The road to recovery requires
Knowledge of the constitutional
Responsibilities and duties of all citizens.
Keeping vigilance of elected officials 
To establish a dialogue through communication.
That is the founders vision of
The Declaration of Independence.
For without Truth, there is no Freedom
Without wisdom, there is no light
Without a voice, there is only oppression.
When government is in control,
Without the consent of the governed
Tyranny and lawlessness resides.
Nothing is free from the Government
It’s only taken by Bribery or Force
Looking benevolent to some,
Yet as thieves in the night
Eventually they run out 
Of other people’s money.


Freedom, Truth and the Elite In Government

Posted by on Mar 18, 2017 in Art Studio Creations, Plein Air Florida | Comments Off on Freedom, Truth and the Elite In Government

Freedom, Truth and the Elite In Government

Freedom, Truth and

Elite In Government 


Stand up Sit down

Wait In Line


Sit down Stand up

Tow That Line


Stand up Sit down

Don’t Cross the Line


Sit down Stand up

Expose Corruption


Sit down Stand up

Speak the Truth


Sit down Stand up

Demand Accountability



Sit down Stand up

For Free Market Principles

End Regulations

And Crony Capitalism



Sit down Stand up

Fight for Life, Liberty

And Property



Sit down Stand up

For Limiting

The Jurisdiction,

Power and Scope

Of the D.C. Bureaucracy



Sit down Stand up

Or We All _ Fall_ Down






Posted by on Feb 12, 2017 in Art Studio Creations, Plein Air Florida | Comments Off on GODS PEOPLE


 A house built by the people

For the People

Over 200 years ago

Have developed cracks

In the wall

The structure is crumbling

In need of repair

Where can we find those

People of principles

Those who know the foundation

Pillars of strength

To rebuild

And make us stronger

To weather the storm

Who will heal

And make us

Whole once more


Loss of Liberty

Posted by on Feb 9, 2016 in Art Studio Creations, Plein Air Florida | Comments Off on Loss of Liberty

Loss of Liberty

Loss of Liberty

They have spent more money

Than we gave them

So they needed to tax us more

Then they came

To the Job Creators,

If you create more Jobs 

Then they demanded

Higher wages 

And the Job Creators

Could hire no more

Then they came to Wall Street

And they spent some more

Then they went to the Banks

Everyone needs a home,

Provide more Loans

The Loans were bad

And the Banks failed

So the taxpayers lost

Some more

Then they came to the


We will give you contracts,

If you create more Jobs

But the economy did not grow

And the Jobs went overseas

Yet they continue to spend

Even more

Then they came to the

Federal Reserve

Please keep our interest rates low

All you have are the assets

And the spending continues

So they continue to tax us,

Much more

Then they went begging

To the Central Banks

We still have our assets,

Including one half the lands

What happens when 

The payment is due?

And the assets sold

Who will be in control? 




Constitutional Freedom

Posted by on Oct 19, 2015 in Art Studio Creations | Comments Off on Constitutional Freedom

Constitutional Freedom


The means to an end

Does the end justify the means?

When citizens are deceived

The government seizes control

Faith in God

Not in the politics of man

Knowledge is the key

Power hungry politicians

Will hide the truth to gain control

Freedom of the press

Freedom of the internet

Not net neutrality

Use it or lose it

Complacency is the enemy

When the truth becomes meaningless

So will your freedoms



Posted by on Aug 31, 2015 in Art Studio Creations, Plein Air Florida | Comments Off on BLAME GAME


DSCN0779[1]Revenge is evil

A corrupt government

Needs a scapegoat

Blame leads to fear

Fear leads to persecution

Persecution leads to silence

Silence leads to denial

Denial assures, it will happen again

First they came for the Christians

Then they came for the Jews

Now a Christian holocaust

Is happening again

Speak out

One person


Change the World

Jihad, Fascism or National Socialist

Posted by on Feb 23, 2015 in Art Studio Creations, Plein Air Florida | Comments Off on Jihad, Fascism or National Socialist

Jihad, Fascism or National Socialist

Jihad, Fascism or National Socialst

Crimes of Humanity

Control through Submission

Submit to our will or die

Invading Countries

Seizing Resources

Demanding Ransoms

Murdering Muslims, Christians and Jews

Forcing its Citizens to their ideology

A fight for Power

Not Liberty or Justice

Is this Man’s fight

In the name of God

Pure Evil


Stop the poison

Where it exists in the World

Or there will be no Peace on Earth

In Search of Food

Posted by on Jan 21, 2013 in Art Studio Creations | Comments Off on In Search of Food

In Search of Food


Wetlands in winter. As a meandering stream flows through to the bay.

A heron quietly waits for a fish to swim downstream.