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Life’s Not Fair, Get Over It


A Leader can Orchestrate

A Teacher Inspires

A Healer can Repair

An Inventor sees Potential

One person’s failures

Are another person’s solution

A Follower finds Harmony

A Manager, the Problem Solvers

A Detective, Seeker of Knowledge

A Mechanic find’s solutions

An Engineer designs

A Scientist Explores

The Soldier, a Heart of Service

An Artist a Visionary

A Farmer and Rancher Good

Stewards of Resources

A Judge rules on Laws and Rights

A Lawyer seeks Justice 

Self-Governance holds Officials,

Accountable for Policies

A Universal Truth of Mankind,

Charity, Compassion, Love

And Forgiveness 

A Responsibility of each person

Individuality ,Ownership,

Free Market 

Rights and Responsibilities 

The Creator of Nature

And Natures God

In Him All Things are Possible

A Ruler

Thinks he Controls it All